What do we do to prevent the loss of the photos we shoot
We back up our photos after a photo shoot to ensure that they are not lost. This is primarily:
To protect against hardware failure: Even professional-grade equipment can fail, and if a hard drive or other storage device fails, we could lose all of the images from the shoot. By backing up our photos, we can ensure that we have a copy in the event of any hardware issues.
To protect against accidental deletion: It's easy to accidentally delete images, especially as we typically work with a large number of files. By backing up the photos, we can ensure that they have a copy in the event of any accidental deletions.
To protect against natural disasters: In the event of a natural disaster, our images could be lost along with our other possessions. By backing up the photos, we can ensure that we have a copy in a separate location that is safe from harm.
To protect against theft: In some cases, a photographer's equipment and images may be at risk of theft. By backing up the photos, we can ensure that we have a copy even if our equipment is stolen.
Within 24 hours of a photo shoot, we create another copy on an external physical hard drive and send a copy of the images to cloud storage. We validate the backups before we remove the images from the storage media we used in the cameras.